In accordance with the annual plan of audits of “Slovenske Elektrarne” a.s. audit of JSC Atomstroyexport quality management system was carried out. The purpose of the audit was to confirm JSC “Atomstr

Based on the results of the audit carried out by “Slovenske Elektrarne” a.s., JSC Atomstroyexport quality management system was estimated as “documented, applied, effective in the sphere of project management on construction, reconstruction and modernization of NPP as well as other nuclear facilities, including those required by export and import relations”.
In the course of the audit the experts continually spoke of JSC Atomstroyexport as a highly reliable supplier.

The carried out audit and conclusions made by the experts of “Slovenske Elektrarne” a.s. once again confirmed full compliance of JSC Atomstroyexport quality management system with ISO 9001:2000 requirements, high qualification and competence of the company staff, as well as superb organization of personnel training and qualification.
Confirmation of JSC Atomstroyexport status as a supplier in the list of suppliers of “Slovenske Elektrarne” a.s. is the next step in development of successful and mutually advantageous cooperation of companies in the sphere of nuclear power mechanical engineering.
Note. Russian – Slovak cooperation in the domain of nuclear power engineering has long history. Russian enterprises participated in construction of Bohunice and Mohovce NPP. Russian company TVEL delivers fuel to both of the Slovak NPP since the moment of their commissioning. Currently JSC Atomstroyexport takes part in modernization of Bohunice NPP Units 3 & 4 in Slovakia, as well as participates in tender for completion of the “nuclear island” for the Slovak Mochovce NPP, Units 3 & 4 as a member of the international union also entered by Czech Skoda JS, a.s. and three Slovak companies – Enesco, a.s., VUJE, a.s. and Inzinierske stavby, a.s.