Nuclear power plant design and construction

The Engineering Division of Rosatom State Corporation implements high power NPP designing and construction projects. We are a sole engineering company at the global nuclear power market that has reference NPP power units of both generation III (power Units No 1-3 of Tianwan NPP in China, power units No 1-2 of Kudankulam NPP in India), and generation III+ (power units No 1-2 of Novovoronezh NPP-2, power units No 1-2 of Leningrad NPP-2).

Development of NPP designs with VVER reactors


The design of NPP with VVER-1200 reactor has advanced technical and economic parameters and meets requirements of the IAEA, EUR, European Utility Requirements for LWR Nuclear Power Plants and post-Fukushima requirements of Wenra (Western European Nuclear Regulators Association).

The main advantage is the enhanced level of units safety against external impacts and internal failures. The safety systems and barriers used rule out release of radioactivity to the environment and serve as physical protection from natural disasters, man-caused accidents and other emergencies.

The design provides for the plant protection from a powerful earthquake (7 points as per MSK-64 scale), aircraft crash, flood and tsunami.


VVER-TOI design became the next stage of development of designs with VVER reactors. VVER-TOI is an evolutionary development. It is based on technical solutions of NPP design with VVER-1200. A range of parameters of reference NPP design with VVER-1200 is optimized to the level allowing competition on the global market, both in terms of technical and economic parameters. These are time optimization (40 months for NPP construction), construction cost reduction by 20% and operating costs reduction by 10% compared with the design of the previous generation. In particular, the optimization includes change of layout diagram of steam generators in the reactor unit, change in NPP buildings and structures arrangement, reduction of the footprint area, etc. The unit service life is increased up to 60 years.

VVER-TOI design implements a range of additional measures for seismic safety, safety in case of hypothetical severe accidents. Besides, the unit can operate on MOX-fuel without any improvements. In 2019, VVER-TOI design was recognized as meeting the EUR requirements.