Enlarged meeting on the Bushehr NPP site was finished on 14th of February. Management of Atomstroyexport, approximately 20 subcontractors engaged in the contract and Iranian representatives participat

At the meeting positive evaluation was given to the previous stage, which was successfully completed by supply of fuel to the site. New fuel is stored in special storage room with increased safety systems under IAEA control. Participants have emphasized substantial improvements in the project execution: constructive dialog was established with the Iranian customer, financing was stabilized, construction works have been practically finished, major part of equipment has been supplied, Atomstroyexport has commenced the final stage of erection and commissioning. Problems impeding project execution were mentioned, the main one is a lack of personnel. To complete the construction of NPP successfully it is required to increase a number of personnel on the site almost twice and bring the number to 2,300 people. In the nearest time it is planned to employ around 300 specialists at the site. Measures for speed-up of operation at the site were defined at the meeting, as well as the plan for work coordination, which ensures successful completion of Bushehr NPP project, was developed together with the subcontractors. Moreover, agreements were formed on establishing of joint venture with the Iranian side on operation of Bushehr NPP after its commissioning. At the meeting it was emphasized that successful execution of the project depends on active measures of each its participant. Reference On 24th of August 1992 the Government of Russian Federation and the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran signed an Agreement on coordination in the field of world utilization of nuclear power and on 25th of August 1992 Agreement on construction of nuclear power plant in Iran was signed. In January 1995 a Contract on completion of Bushehr plant first block was signed. However the actual counting of construction has started from 1998 from the date of signing Appendix No. 1 which provides for turn-key construction completion by Russian specialists. Atomstroyexport proceeds with the construction of nuclear plant started in 1974 by a German concern Kraftwerk Union (Siemens/KWU). In 1980 the concern terminated the contract with the Iranian customer due to decision of the German government to join American embargo on supplying of equipment to Iran. Bushehr NPP, which is constructed by Atomstroyexport on turn-key basis, is a unique example of Russian technology integration into Western project solutions.