JSC NIAEP-JSC ASE participates in International Forum and Exposition «Power-Gen Africa 2012»

The merged company JSC NIAEP- JSC Atomstroyexport participates in the international forum and exposition «Power-Gen Africa 2012» that is held on 6-8 th November in Johannesburg (SAR).
The activity gathered world leaders on the energy market. The exposition situated in the biggest conference hall in Johannesburg (Sandton Convention Centre) demonstrates expositions of many companies interested in cooperation with African countries with regard to energy sphere, including expositions of Russia , France , the USA , South Korea , Japan , China etc.
Stand of State Corporation Rosatom presenting lead nuclear industry enterprises of Russia , including the merged company NIAEP-ASE drew attention of nuclear specialists, representatives of companies- exposition participants and other organizations germane to nuclear industry.
In the words of Valery Senoedov, Deputy Director of JSC NIAEP's Moscow branch, exposition participants are interested in Russian experience in NPP construction in Russian and abroad.
Significant interest arose JSC NIAEP experience in managerial decisions enhancement, first and foremost, Multi-D – innovative technology of integrated NPP life cycle management.
«Programs on life cycle management of complex engineering facilities are in demand all over the world. NIAEP and its partners are actively working over a solution that for the first time in world practice will permit to consolidate process, construction and design parts in a unified digital model of nuclear power plant», - marked out Valery Senoedov.
The merged company JSC NIAEP – JSC Atomstroyexport (ASE) was established in March 2012 by the resolution of the State atomic energy corporation Rosatom. Thus, NIAEP has become a holding company JSC ASE. The structure of the new consolidated company represents a network of offices in charge of construction project management, including: - a design institute in Nizhny Novgorod;- three offices in charge of NPP construction project management (in Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow and St-Petersburg);- representative offices in 10 countries of Europe and Asia where projects are being executed or planned (Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, Iran, India, China, Turkey, Czechia, Slovakia and Ukraine). Today over 4000 people are working for our company; this figure amounts to over 7000 if the personnel of the subsidiaries is included. 20 projects either being under construction or design are now underway in Russia and abroad. List of the power plants under construction and design carried out by the merged company:- Kalinin NPP 4;- Rostov NPP 3 and 4;- Baltic NPP 1 and 2;- Nizhny Novgorod NPP 1 and 2;- Uzhnouralskaya GRES-2 Units 1 and 2;- Tianwan NPP 3 and 4 (China);- Bushehr NPP -1 (Iran);- Akkuyu NPP 1 and 2 (Turkey);- Belarus NPP 1 and 2;- Kudankulam NPP 1 and 2 (India);- Ninh thuan 1 and 2 (Vietnam). Valery Limarenko, doctor of economics, director of JSC NIAEP – holding company JSC ASE. Site of the company: www.niaep.ru

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