Belorussian NPP: Works on Unit 2 Ditch Excavation Started

On February 1, 2013 Sergei Kirienko, General Director of State Corporation Rosatom visited Belorussian NPP (Ostrovets, Grodno region, Belarus). After inspection of the site construction progress works on Unit 2 ditch excavation were solemnly launched.
The day before, on January 31, 2013 a meeting of the control board charged for the Belorussian NPP construction chaired by Mikhail Mikhadyuk, Deputy Minister of Energy, was held.
The participants inspected the construction site and discussed the work progress on the storage and supply facilities. Close attention at the meeting was paid to the subject plan for 2013.
«The government assumed us with the task to perform works thrice as large as in the previous year and draw 11 252 billions Russian rubles, - said M.Mikhadyuk in his opening address. - The schedule is very intense. In March an architectural project is to be handed over for expertise to be over in May. Moreover, it is vital to expedite acquisition of the NPP construction license. We plan to start first grouting on June 15, 2013».
According to Yury Pustovoy, JSC NIAEP Director of Belorussian NPP construction, in September 2013 it is essential to complete works on all the 60 storage and supply facilities and off-site network structures and constructions that provide functioning of the storage and supply facilities in complex. Works on the turbine and nuclear islands are planned to start on June 15.Totally, 25 facilities of Unit 1 will be under construction in 2013.
Valery Limarenko, President of JSC NIAEP - holding company of JSC Atomstroyexport, concluded: «Today we have drawn plans for 2013 and discussed the tasks calling for prompt settlement. Due to effective collaboration with the government of the Republic of Belorus, works on the NPP construction are progressing very dynamically and ahead of schedule. On February we start works on the Unit2»
The Belorussian NPP
On March 15th, 2011, in Minsk, during meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Union State, cooperation agreement was signed between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Belarus, concerning NPP construction in the territory of the country. According to the agreement the Russian party will accomplish «turnkey» construction. JSC Atomstroyexport will act as General Contractor, while the Directorate of NPP construction will be Customer. The Belorussian NPP will have two power units of total capacity up to 2400 (2x1200) MW to be constructed at Ostrovets site in Grodno region. For construction of the first Belorussian NPP the «AES-2006» project was selected to be implemented. The project fully complies with IAEA international standards and recommendations. On October 11th, 2011, contract agreement on NPP construction in Belarus was signed. The contract agreement is essentially a general agreement that defines the main mandatory provisions of the General contract on the Belorussian NPP construction.
The significant event of the recent period became the signing of Intergovernmental Agreement on loan to Belarus for NPP construction. Signed on 25th November during the meeting of the High Council of the Union State, the agreement establishes the legal base necessary for the project financing.
On 31st January 2012, a contract for survey works, development of basic and detailed design documentation for Belarus NPP project was signed.
On 18th July, 2012 on the meeting sums of the Council of Ministers of the Union State in the presence of prime ministers Dmitry Medvedev and Mikhail Myasnikov the general contract on construction of Belorussian NPP was signed.
The contract was signed by Valery Limarenko , Director of JSC NIAEP - JSC Atomstroyexport (JSC ASE), for the Russian party and Mikhail Filimonov, Director of General Board « Directorate of the NPP construction».


The merged company JSC NIAEP – JSC Atomstroyexport (ASE) was established in March 2012 by the resolution of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. Thus, NIAEP has become a holding company JSC ASE.

The structure of the new consolidated company represents a network of offices in charge of construction project management, including:
- a design institute in Nizhny Novgorod;