RCP Installation Completed at Power Uit 4 of the Tianwan NPS

The Tianwan NPS Power Unit has witnessed completion of one of the major technological stages of the power unit construction, i.e. completion of the reactor coolant pipe installation works that make up the main scope of the installation works.
JSC ASE EC has completed the RCP welding ahead of the approved Schedule of the Tianwan NPS Unit 4 construction. The completion of RCP welding stage will facilitate the beginning of works to prepare safety critical systems for water circulation with the open reactor. A.O.Lebedev, Vice-President for Projects in the South Asia, pointed out that “this stage is one of the key milestones and signifies completion of the civil erection works and beginning of the commissioning stage at the Tianwan NPS power unit 4. For reference: The Tianwan NPS-1 (WWER-1000-based Units 1&2) was put in operation in Lianyungang (China) in 2007. The Tianwan NPS-2 (WWER-1000-based Units 3&4) is under construction, the start-up is scheduled for 2018. The General Contractor of the Project is ASE Group of companies. For information ASE Group of companies was established in the frame of the engineering division of Rosatom State Corporation by merging four leading companies of the industry: (JSC ASE EC - Atomstroyexport JSC - Atomenergoproekt JSC - ATOMPROEKT JSC) ASE is one of the global leaders in nuclear power engineering and accounts for 30% of the global NPP construction market. ASE has representative offices, branch offices and operational offices operating in 15 countries around the world, with almost 80% of its portfolio coming from the projects abroad. Besides the company also provides services in the field of NPP decommissioning, construction of facilities for RAW and SNF management, research reactors, thermal power plants as well as a full range of EPC, EPC(M) and PMC services for any complex engineering assets. ASE company develops and implements an innovative Multi-D project management system in the area of complex engineering objects construction which allows more efficient budget, time frame and quality management. The President of the ASE Group is Valery Limarenko, Doctor of Economics. Company websites: www.niaep.ru ; www.atomstroyexport.ru ; www.aep.ru; www.atomproekt.com