Belarus NPP is the first completed overseas project of Rosatom State Corporation with III+ generation VVER reactors. It is characterized by enhanced economic efficiency and complies with all the up-to-date safety requirements. With commissioning of Unit 2 with the power of 1200 MW, the NPP completed the construction of the facility, which commenced in 2012. According to expert assessment, the NPP will cover up to 40% of the country’s needs in electricity.
The ceremony at the NPP was attended by Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus, and the management of the fuel and energy sector of the country. Alexey Likhachev, Rosatom Director General, and Viktor Karankevich, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus, reported to Head of the Belorussian State about the completion of construction and commissioning works and presented the future cooperation agenda.
“Cooperation between Russia and the Republic of Belarus in the nuclear field is of a comprehensive strategic character, it covers the key areas ensuring the energy security of our states. The necessary regulatory and legal framework has been created for active development and deepening of the integration processes in the energy sector, the operation of the power systems has been synchronized, important joint projects have been implemented, and the construction of Belarus NPP has become the largest one”, said Alexey Likhachev.
Rosatom is the largest exporter of nuclear technologies in the world; currently the corporation is involved in serial construction of nuclear facilities in seven foreign countries.
Communications Division
Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division