At the beginning of May, Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) issued a new license to Atomenergoproekt JSC granting the right to nuclear facilities construction. The license will be valid for 5 years.
The current license will expire in July. Thus, there will be no idle period due the absence of a permit for operational activities of Atomenergoproekt JSC.
The license was granted in accordance with the requirements of Rostekhnadzor. All the documents submitted to the regulatory authority, underwent a safety analysis. As a result, a position conclusion was made.
The new license allows Atomenergoproekt JSC to continuing performance of works and rendering of services during construction of nuclear power plants in the Russian Federation. This means, primarily, survey and research during construction as well as performance of construction and erection works. This license can also be used during the performance of works and rendering of services to foreign customers if such requirements are defined in the contract.
Power industry is the key to the social and economic development of the country, supply of energy to economy and people. Russia continues to develop its power energy complex, including nuclear facilities. Despite external restrictions, the domestic economy is augmenting its export potential to supply goods, services and raw materials all over the world. The implementation of major international energy projects is underway. Rosatom and its enterprises are taking an active part in this work.